The Hunger Site

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

agent upload after OMS hostname change

after change of OMS hostname like hsd01 to fcs01 ,target agent could not able to upload all
xml file and show error as upload error because hostname is stored in various file like etc.
to avoid wastage of effort its better to reinstalled agent and see all XML file uploaded smoothly.


Bradd Piontek said...

There is a pretty good Metalink Document that shows how to reconfigure an agent for a new OMS host and it works just fine. Did for me on Linux. I don't have the Doc handy.

Porus Homi Havewala (પોરસ હોમી હવેવાલા) said...

Thanks Bradd. If you like to be an authorr on this blog, please let me know. You will have to send me your email address so I can invite you. Would be happy to have you on.


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