The Hunger Site

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Oracle Licensing bootcamp training in your city

Dear Friends, 

In the year 2018, our friend Sibaji Dey Choudhury is conducting 2-day "comprehensive" bootcamp trainings on Oracle Licensing in several major cities across the world. At the end of the intensive bootcamp training, you have the option of an assessment at no extra cost to get an "Oracle Licensing Maestro" certificate. 

Sibaji has 13 years of experience on "Oracle Licensing" training and consulting services, across 300+ customers worldwide.

If you are are interested in an "Oracle Licensing" bootcamp training in your city, please register your interest through the Contact page of . Kindly mention your full name, email id and your city. 

Best regards, 
Porus Homi Havewala
Oracle Certified Master.

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