The Hunger Site

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Retain historical data in EM Repository

Rajesh Bhogadi said...

"Is there any feature/solution within Grid to retain historical data from the repository which is helpful for capacity planning ex. database growth over the last x years etc?"

My answer:

Of course. As per the Enterprise Manager Advanced Configuration guide,

"Enterprise Manager aggregates your management data by hour and by day to minimize the size of the Management Repository. Before the data is aggregated, each data point is stored in a raw data table. Raw data is rolled up, or aggregated, into a one-hour aggregated metric table. One-hour records are then rolled up into a one-day table.

"After Enterprise Manager aggregates the data, the data is then considered eligible for purging. A certain period of time has to pass for data to actually be purged. This period of time is called the retention time.

"The raw data, with the highest insert volume, has the shortest default retention time, which is set to 7 days. As a result, 7 days after it is aggregated into a one-hour record, a raw data point is eligible for purging.

"One-hour aggregate data records are purged 31 days after they are rolled up to the one-day data table. The highest level of aggregation, one day, is kept for 365 days."

Section 9.2.3 explains how to increase the retention times for the raw or aggregated data:

To modify the default retention time for each level of management data in the Management Repository, you must insert additional rows into the MGMT_PARAMETERS table.
For increasing the retention in the one-day data table, connect as sysman and issue the command:


Note the default is 365.



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