The Hunger Site

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Voted leader of the Oracle RAC SIG (Special Interest Group) in Singapore

Today I was voted leader of the Oracle RAC SIG (Special Interest Group) in Singapore.
My name was proposed by RaviShankar Buddha of Oracle, seconded by Ashish Agarwal of
DBCON and accepted by the others. Thanks guys.

This means I will co-ordinate and conduct a RAC Round Table every month
in Singapore where clients using RAC are invited to share their experiences and
issues with RAC, like a peer discussion. At times presentations on RAC and
related technology can be held by Oracle or by any of us.

To my surprise I found most of the RAC users who came to the round table today
were not using Grid Control, only one of them was. RAC is very complicated and to manage it efficiently, we need good management software like Grid Control. For eg, rolling patch upgrades can be applied using the deployment procedures in Grid Control.

1 comment:

Porus Homi Havewala (પોરસ હોમી હવેવાલા) said...


I have been the nominated leader of the RAC SIG Singapore since early 2009 on being nominated by Ravi and Ashish.

After almost two years, I decided to make way for someone else to take my place as the new leader of the RAC SIG Singapore.

I am very pleased to announce that our Oracle ACE Hemant Chitale has volunteered to be the new
RAC SIG leader. Hemant is an experienced RAC DBA and also delves wonderfully into Oracle Performance and internals in his popular blog

He is one of the few Oracle ACEs in Singapore and has also been featured in the November-December 2010 issue of Oracle Magazine in the Peer-to-Peer column!

Please join me in giving a big welcome to Hemant as the new leader of the RAC Sig in Singapore.




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